Family can at once be inclusive and dismissive, bonding and isolating. This work explores these extremes. The images are tableaux, freezing the moments at the edges of the more formal portrait sitting and before & after the poised expectation.
I have been photographing my immediate family in the UK and my extensive family throughout the USA for over 30 years.
I remember sitting around the dinner table, listening to tales of my family, often about people I had never met and who were now long gone. At some point in this chronicle we transition from growing up to aging—it is this shift of generations that inspires these photographs.

CoAxial: Shared Common Threads
Cass Foyer Gallery, London (November 2015 Photomonth)
Group show of photography, sculpture and installation on the theme of Home & Memory. Curated by Heather McDonough
» London Met
» Art Rabbit
CoAxial: Shared Common Threads
Cass Foyer Gallery, London (November 2015 Photomonth)
Group show of photography, sculpture and installation on the theme of Home & Memory. Curated by Heather McDonough
» London Met
» Art Rabbit
Familydom: Visible White 2015 Photo Prize 4th Edition
FSMGallery, Florence, Italy
Photographs from the series Relative Distance selected for exhibition
» Celeste Prize
FSMGallery, Florence, Italy
Photographs from the series Relative Distance selected for exhibition
» Celeste Prize